Our Commitment To Accuracy
In keeping with Omar for Aurora’s mission, accuracy is paramount for all contributors and editors. Cross-referencing accounts of events, using primary sources and respected, reliable outlets whenever possible, avoiding unsourced and unverifiable images or videos, and using the expertise of the decades of experience from our writers are all cornerstones of our approach to truthful reporting and honest, informed commentary. Errors and updates are met in as timely a manner as possible to avoid false information being disseminated. See our Corrections policy below for more information. Opinion pieces are categorized as such.
Proper sourcing is crucial to providing honest and legitimate accounts of events, and Omar for Aurora strives to use primary sources and reliable outlets whenever possible, in addition to multiple sources for the same event or claim. Sources are always linked for readers to easily verify the source material. Unverified sources are noted with mitigating language to let readers know that such material must be considered as “posited” or “alleged,” rather than presented as undisputed fact. Attribution with direct quotes, noting of a paraphrase from another source, and links to attributed material are added for reader verification.
Images & Video
Images and videos used in the body of articles on Omar for Aurora are typically sourced from social media and checked for their veracity by both the contributor and editor. Most images and videos are first-hand accounts from the original poster or from a reliable media outlet. Unverified images or videos are explained in-article as “alleged” and not presented as undisputed fact. Images or video used by Omar for Aurora are not edited or manipulated unless there is a size constraint. Third party video used within any original video produced by Omar for Aurora is not edited to manipulate or deceive readers.
Omar for Aurora occasionally interviews subjects on various topics, in an open conversation or in question-and-response style. Opinions of interview subjects are their own, and not necessarily the views of the interviewee or Omar for Aurora. If factually incorrect information is given, it is edited out of the final video product.
Omar for Aurora is committed to providing the most accurate information available at the time and will publish a correction or clarification if new or contradicting information is verified and comes to the team’s attention.
Corrections and updates are denoted by a visible disclaimer for the benefit of readers. When a correction is made, an Editor’s Note is placed at either the top or the bottom of the piece with a description of the change.
All clarifications and corrections are issued in accordance with this policy and at the discretion of an Editor.
A formal correction is not issued in the event of a minor grammatical error or a typo.
If an issue is found with the source information serious enough that the underlying story cannot be responsibly corrected or clarified, the piece is unpublished.
If Omar for Aurora receives a request to unpublish, update, or amend an article by a subject mentioned in the piece, the request will be reviewed on its merit and a decision made according to any new information provided. If any changes of substance are made, an Update or Editor’s Note will be added.
Commenting Policy
We love our readers, and we highly encourage commenting and engaging with Omar for Aurora community – but we insist on decency and respect. Please follow the below rules when sharing your thoughts and opinions on our content:
- Comments deemed to be spam or solely promotional in nature will be deleted. Including a link to relevant content is perfectly fine.
- Comments including profanity will be deleted.
- Comments containing language that is harassing, abusive, threatening, or pornographic will be deleted.
- Comments that attack an individual directly will be deleted.
Keep it constructive and help spread the important information you won’t find in the mainstream media.
Omar for Aurora reserves the right to edit or delete any comments submitted to the blog without notice. This commenting policy is subject to change at any time.